Project Management
Sign up form
Dates for training in Swedish
(1 full day and two half days)
Day 1: September 21 3, 09.30-16.30 (in Stockholm)
(Learning lunch: 11.30-12:30)
Day 2: October 5, 08.00-12.00 (digital)
Day 3: October 19, 08.00-12.00 (digital)
(1 full day and two half days)
Day 1: November 30 3, 09.30-16.30 (in Stockholm)
(Learning lunch: 11.30-12:30)
Day 2: December 14, 08.00-12.00 (digital)
Day 3: January 11, 08.00-12.00 (digital)
Dates for training in English
(four half days)
Day 1: October 13, 09.00-13.00 (digita)
Day 2: October 27, 09.00-13.00 (digital)
Day 3: November 10, 09.00-13.00 (digital)
Day 4: November 24, 09.00-13.00 (digital)
Cancellation and Deferral Policy
If you need to cancel or defer your participation, you should submit your request in writing more than 30 days before the program start date to receive a full refund. Cancellations or deferrals received 14 to 30 days before the program start date are subject to a payment of 50 percent of the program fee. Requests received within 14 days of the program start date are subject to full payment of the program fee. BillerudKorsnäs has the right to use the reserved place for another person within the organization.
More information
If you have any questions regarding "Project Management BillerudKorsnäs" please contact me directly.
Phone: +46-70 780 88 64
Renate Viering
CEO of Lantella Leadership