
Lantella finansierar brunn för dricksvatten i Uganda


2022 valde Lantella att finansiera bygget av en brunn för dricksvatten i Buwama Village, som ligger i Uganda. Att ha en vattenbrunn på nära håll i byn gör stor skillnad för framförallt barnen, som tidigare var tvungna att gå långa sträckor på osäkra vägar för att hämta vatten till familjen.

Projektet drivs av hjälporganisationen Nyimusa Foundation som arbetar med att ge föräldralösa barn i Uganda en väg ut ur fattigdom.

Letter from NYIMUSA


Dear Renate,

I hope all is well with you. I would like to thank you for the heartwarming donation towards the water project. Thank you for enabling us to fulfill this amazing dream of positively impacting the childrens’ lives here.

The water project has been one of the most essential parts of our general project (Aurora project). With your donation, we have managed to build a water well that can produce 10,000 litres of water per day. We are constructing a tank stand that has two levels. Each level will hold a 5,000 litres tank. With this amount of water we shall be able to provide clean & safe water to our immediate community which we have started doing already.

We shall also be able to have sufficient water to use for the day to day activities at the Nyimusa land. With a lot of construction & farming going on, believe me when I say you have saved us from a lot of expenses.

The effect of this water well is already evident in the community. Before, children in the community that do day-schooling would return to their families from school at around 5 p.m. and would be ordered by their parents to go fetch water about (3–5 km) to the old community well. With this, there were cases of rape, kidnapping etc.

Our new well is just 500 meters away so the children get to fetch safe and free water then return to their families safe & sound.

We apologise for the little delay, as we have been hindered by the rainy season here. We must ensure the tank stand dries up completely so we improvised means to have water to use until the full completion of the project. Below I have attached photos to give you a clear view about this wonderful program.

We promise to have a better sustainable sign soon when we can afford it.


Best regards,



Our new well is just 500 meters away so the children get to fetch safe and free water then return to their families safe & sound.