Nynas Leadership Academy
Nynas manager
The Nynas Manager training focuses on the development of your role as a newly appointed manager at Nynas. It is designed to help you develop as a leader that stands for the Nynas culture, a leader who creates engagement and drives result. The New as Manager training will give you and in-depth insight into your strength and development areas of your leadership, tools to assist you in the challenges that you face as a leader as well as insights and coaching in order to develop the Nynas Leadership Culture.
- Importance of ventilating and specifying game rules for the team
- Management by expectations
- The transition from specialist to manager
- Trust: the necessary condition for effective teams
- Effective communication
- The importance of values with special focus on Nynas three value words
- The Nynas culture
- Good and bad leadership and the “Dual representation”
- Feedback culture
- Situational Leadership®
- Understand yourself and your colleagues
- Sharing experiences based on reflection homework
- Conflict Management
- Time management
- Coaching conversations: GROW model
Two days live + ½ day Zoom
Date and Place
May 7–8, 2024 (two days with evening work)
Half day Zoom TBD when we meet in May
Nordic Light Hotel, Stockholm
Change Management and Handling Difficult Situations
Change management – Purpose & Goal
To understand need for change in an everchanging world and examine some of the prevailing theoretical models and practically use these models in the Nynas context.
- A complex world requires effective change management
- A look at Kotter´s model for an effective change process
- ”The change curve” – how to understand and motivate your colleagues in the change process
- The gap between the understanding of the need to change and actual actions
- My own role in the change process
Handling difficult situations – Purpose & Goal
Look at real dilemmas at Nynas and how to solve them in the best way.
Look at theoretical models on Conflict management and train to use them in practice.
- Common dilemmas at Nynas
- Definition av conflict
- Satisfaction triangle
- Escalation of conflict
- Conflict Styles
- Model of effective handling of conflicts – in theory and practice
Two days live
Date and Place
November 25-26, 2024 (two days with evening work)
Elite Hotel Marina Tower, Stockholm
Deepening Leadership Skills and Motivating Colleagues
Purpose & Goal – Deepening your leadership skills
A repetition of the relevant learning and tools from previous training at Nynas. To highlight experiences from worklife and share with the other participants.
- Situational Leadership®
- Delegating
- Management by expectations
- Feedback culture
- Difficult conversations and Conflict management
- Trust
Purpose & Goal – Motivation your colleagues
To understand what specific behavior and tools that impact your colleague’s motivation
- How do you motivate your team?
- Coaching conversations
- Motivation in a group
2 days
Date and Place
September 11-12, 2024 (two days with evening work)
Elite Hotel Marina Tower, Stockholm
Informal leadership
In your role you are expected to lead, develop, support others, reach targets and create results without the formality of being a manager.
This program will give you extensive training in leadership, both in your personal leadership and in motivating and engaging others and help you become an effective leader.
Through experiences within the group of participants, combined with models and theories this program aim to create clarity in an often very complex context of leading without being a manager.
- Importance of ventilating and specifying game rules for the team
- Management by expectations
- The transition from specialist to informal leader
- Trust: the necessary condition for effective teams
- Effective communication
- The importance of values with special focus on Nynas’ three value words
- The Nynas culture
- Good and bad leadership and the “Dual Representation”
- Feedback culture
- Understand yourself and your colleagues
2 days
Date and Place
November 5-6, 2024 (two days with evening work)
Elite Hotel Marina Tower, Stockholm
For all inquiries regarding the training, please contact Nynas Client Director, Renate Viering.
Phone: +46 70-780 88 64